How Not To Bore Your Audience

How Not To Bore Your Audience

The reason we all shy from the podium and prefer taking a back seat while others give a TED like speech is, “What if they don’t like me?” and nothing more. No one wants to be embarrassed, not to mention in public. So, what do you need to do so that your audience stays...

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Get Results the Laura Porreca Way

Get Results the Laura Porreca Way

Background In most cases, the fluency of the tongue points at the fluency of thought. A good speech, which is an end product of learned speaking skills, shows self confidence, decidedness, preparedness, readiness and a high regard for your audience. The aim of...

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The Art of Effective Interpersonal Communication

The Art of Effective Interpersonal Communication

Effective interpersonal communication involves more than just sharing information. It seeks to understand or express emotions and intentions behind what is being communicated. Communication seems simple enough, yet there are barriers that can lead to misinterpretation...

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Ways Public Speaking can Be Beneficial to your Career

Ways Public Speaking can Be Beneficial to your Career

Public speaking is a challenge to many people. Most people resign themselves to giving average presentations. They don’t feel like they can be great public speakers. However, it is always important to make the effort. Anyone can learn the skill which can help improve...

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The brain needs a bit of encouragement as well

The brain needs a bit of encouragement as well

An individual person has his or her limitations. However, when they become part of a team, they seem to cross every boundary easily. How is this possible? This is the result of teamwork. Nevertheless, a team requires a sense of direction to do well. You need someone...

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